Saturday, December 15, 2012


lepas je sebulan tamat belajar, aku terus dapat kerja ! tapi takde laa bidang aku, just untuk sementara waktu nk keje biasa2 je.. haha.. mana aku kerja ? 7E !!! aahahahaha... aku keje sebagai MANAGER 7E.. ohsem gak larr... mcm nk action sket aa dgn jawatan tuu.. haahah... keje aku mudah tu mudah.. tap kene teliti laaaa... aku kire invoice brg keluar brg masok sume kene pastikan dgn betul !! banyak bende baru aku belajarr... best .. letih tapi takpe..hehe ..

itu sajalahh,saje nk mention dapat keje !!! hahaha

Thursday, October 4, 2012


hah ~ kadang2 kita selalu mengharap dan berharap pada sesuatu yang kita tahu kita tidak akan dapat, seperti ungkapan melayu "Mengharap Bulan Jatuh ke Riba".. emm mmg tak lah. tapi sebenarnya, tak salah jika kita berharap dan mengharapkan sesuatu, kerana daripada apa yang kita harapkan itu, dari situ adanya semangat dan usaha untuk mendapatkan.

Tapi kadang2 juga kita menghadapi situasi yang sangat sukar untuk diterjemah, seperti kita mengharapkan sesuatu, tetapi peratus untuk dapat dan tidak dapat tu sangat besar. tapi harapan itu masih ada. mcm mana tu? aku sendiri pon pening dengan situasi mcm ni, situasi ni bagi aku berat.

Saat ini aku mengaharapkan sesuatu yang mungkin akan datang dan mungkin tidak. ia sangat sukar dijangka, ssesuatu yang tak dapat dibaca akal fikiran. tapi kalau aku ada kuasa baca hati org, aku dah boleh dah settle masalah ni. haha :P Tapi tu lah, memang sangat sukar lah. aku sedang menanti jawapan sama ada aku dapat atau tidak yang aku harapkan, dan penantian tu sangat2 menguji kesabaran jiwa aku lah. orang cakap penantian satu penyiksaan, mmg sgt menyiksakan. tapi HARUS jugak menunggu, jangan putus asa, teruskan bersabar, InsyaAllah pasti ada hikmah dan jawapan yang menanti suatu hari nanti. Bila tu hanya waktu yang menentukan. selagi kesabaran ada dalam hati, yang indah pasti menunggu. InsyaAllah :)

#KeepItUp SHIDA !!! >.<

Saat- saat Sukar :)

ok, dah 4 bulan meninggalkan dunia blog kerana masaalah2 yang tidak henti2 datang dalam diri hati, jiwa, menguji fizikal dan mental. Selama beberapa bulan ni aku menghadapi saat2 yang sukar akibat sedikit luka dihati.. menangis menangis menangis, pastu tenang tenang tenang, pastu gelak gelak gelak, pastu menangis balik, tenang gelak, nangis dan sebegitulah selanjutnya sampai kehari ini dan mungkin hari yang seterusnya.

TAPI, apa pon masalah yang dihadapi, atau sedalam mana luka yang terhiris, HARUS HARUS HARUS juga tabahkan diri dan berSABAR.. kerana, jika kita sedang terluka , janganlah kita menambah luka dihati kita dengan perbuatan sendiri. ye idak? . Dalam waktu2 aku menghadapi saat2 sukar ni aku banyak membaca, bukan baca novel atau blog atau artikel, tapi aku baca something yang simple dan mudah, mcm aya2 nasihat, atau kata2 hikmah yang simple, tetapi sangat besar maknanya.. kebanyakkannya adalah kata2 bagi kesabaran la. bagi situasi aku sekarang, aku sangat2 memerlukan kesabaran. ayat2 dan kata2 tu semua sangat berguna bagi aku sbb ia memberi aku semangat dan kekuatan diri.

Dalam masa 4 bulan aku mempunyai penyakit hati terluka ni banyak jugak yang aku belajar dan kesal atas apa yang berlaku sebelum ni, sesungguhnya masalah itu datang dari diri kita sendiri kan, kalau bukan kita yang menuju ke jalan masalah itu tak mungkin masalah itu akan datang dengan sendiri, tapi kalau bab UJIAN dari Allah itu pon betul jugak, sbb tu la org cakap, apa pon KESABARAN itu penting. memang kita yang menuju dan mengakibatkan masalah itu sendiri, TETAPI itu juga ujian yang diberikan Allah bagi menguji kekuatan dan kesabaran diri kita, dan dari situ juga mengajar kita untuk menghadapi sesuatu dengan tenang.

Dalam waktu2 mcm ni situasi aku sekarang adalah situasi yang diibaratkan seperti "nyawa dihujung tanduk", kalau gerak kekiri jatuh, kekanan pon jatuh, sama jugak ibarat "ditelan mati mak, diluah mati bapa", tak tahu nak buat apa2 dan tak mampu berbuat apa2.. sabar sahaja jalan yang ada setakat ni.

#harap diberikan kekuatan dan kesabaran menghadapi apa jua masalah dan dugaan yang mendapat. >.<
see yaa (^_^)

Friday, May 4, 2012

How to Forget Someone u LOVE~

Step 1Cry out everything you have to cry about! When we get hurt, it's normal (and good) to cry. Don't ever think you're being weak for crying and don't feel embarrassed because of it! It's normal and it's good! When you cry, you let go of part of your anger and hurt so you can feel less heavy. You can lock yourself in a room, if you want to, and put on some sad music...but let yourself feel the pain and cry so you can let it go. The main thing here is: Get rid of the pain! Just let her go!

Step 2Get busy! When you're trying to get someone out of your head, you need to put other things inside of it. In other words...get busy! It doesn't matter how, you just need to get distracted. Go to a movie, watch a play, travel. It doesn't matter what are you going to do--the important thing is to find something to do. Find a hobby, find something you enjoy doing, something to keep your mind busy. If your mind is busy, it doesn't have time or space to think about the person you're trying to forget.

Step 3Spend some time with your friends. Friends arealways great to have in this kind of situation! Friends can make you feel good about yourself and get you distracted very easily. They will certainly make you laugh and make you see that you're way more important than you think! The only warning is: Ask them not to talk about the person you're trying to forget. If they start bringing the topic up in every conversation, you won't be able to forget, and instead of making you laugh, they're going to make you cry. So be honest and ask them not to talk about it!

Step 4Avoid the person! Try not to go to places you know you can meet that person. When you're trying to forget someone and you two keep seeing each other, it can be even harder to get over it. If you meet him/her somewhere, be polite, but find an excuse to go away as fast as you can! If you work or study with him/her and you can't avoid seeing him/her, just try not to look and not to talk too much. Just be gentle and keep busy all the time so you won't have excuses to look at him/her or to chat.

Step 5Go out and see some different faces! Being at home gives you more time to think about the relationship, which makes the process of working through the end of that relationship even more difficult. So even if you're not feeling excited or you're in a bad mood, just put on your best clothes, best shoes, best smile, call some friends and go somewhere nice where you can dance, drink, listen to some music. And the most important: See some different faces! When you go out, you notice that the person you're trying to forget is not the only one who's got a perfect smile and an amazing voice...thank god, there are other interesting people in the world!

Step 6Avoid every kind of romantic thing! If you're trying to forget someone, you'd better not watch romantic movies or listen to romantic makes you feel bad and you will certainly remember the person you're trying to forget. It doesn't matter if it's a song you love or if it's playing on the radio...just change the station or do something else. Put on some happy songs, dancing songs, watch some comedies, terror movies, just need to avoid the romantic things for now!

Step 7Take good care of yourself. Women tend to run for some kind of self-destruction when they're hurt. If we break up our perfect relationship, then we have no reason to get our nails done anymore and the only thing that gives us comfort is chocolate and sugar. That way, the only thing we do is to become less attractive and lessen our self-confidence. So if you're hurt, just try to use your pain for yourself instead of against you. Go to the gym, work out a lot, get your nails and hair whatever you can so you can feel more pretty and confident!

Step 8Accept the process! You can be really strong and it's still going to hurt. The process takes time and you have to accept that. You can't hope to forget in 2 days someone you loved for 2 years...and you can't pretend to be strong if you feel like crying. Just face your pain and accept that it's not easy and it's going to take some time. When you're patient with yourself and your situation, things tend to get easier...

Of course, forgetting someone is not easy to do nor is it easily explained in just 8 steps. But there are some things that make the process a lot smoother. As I said, it takes time and it's hard but I'm sure you can do it. The only thing that is really, really important is: It all depends on you! Don't ever forget that. If you want to forget someone, then you will, there is no doubt! Even if it takes a long time, even if you have to be really will be! In that kind of situation we usually find out that we are a lot stronger than we give ourselves credit for. So believe that -- believe that, take a deep breath and move on! Your life's waiting for you, baby!

#haha ! its funny ! I TRY BUT I CAN'T !! hummm =(

Thursday, May 3, 2012

If ?

If I loved you enough to let you go, would you love me enough to come back?

*# I get jealous, I get mad, I get worried, I get curious. That's only because I care.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


know what ~
when i MISS YOU, I will read my OWN BLOG !
when i read it, i can smile coz all the sweet moments with u are here.
so now i just read it ! coz I MISS YOU ~ :) <3

**1.39 a.m i'm still not asleep! ==" arghhh ! i miss HIM much ~ :O

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Arif Othman is one in a thousand ~

DIA selalu wt saya geram, sakitkan hati saya, keras kepala, wt saya nangis, slalu abaikan saya, suka biar saya mrajuk sorang2 !
TAPI disebalik semua tu, dia mampu buat saya rasa seperti dunia ni saya yang punya.
He's so amazing..
its TRUE !! =D

**guys i dont know why, but i love him~ (doakan kami :)) TQ